Marsz Electricals

Current Transformer


Tape-Wound Current Transformers

MARSZ offers high-quality, reliable current transformers designed for accurate measurement and protection in electrical systems. Constructed with premium CRGO silicon steel cores and encased in durable resin, these transformers excel in performance and durability. Suitable for a wide range of applications including metering, protection, and control, MARSZ current transformers provide precise current measurement and are essential components for safe and efficient electrical systems.


Robust Construction for Reliable Power Delivery

Suggested Burden Guide

Reliable Current Transformers for Protection




MARSZ Current Transformers: FAQs

01. What are the key factors to consider when selecting a current transformer?

When choosing a current transformer, several factors are crucial:

  • Primary current rating: The transformer must be capable of handling the expected current flow.
  • Secondary current rating: The secondary current should match the requirements of the connected metering or protection device.
  • Accuracy class: The transformer’s accuracy class determines its suitability for specific applications.
  • Burden: The total impedance of the secondary circuit, including the connected devices, should be within the transformer’s specified burden.
  • Installation environment: The transformer’s construction and insulation should be appropriate for the operating conditions.

Proper installation and grounding of a current transformer are essential for safety and accurate performance. The secondary circuit must always be grounded to prevent dangerous high voltages from occurring when the secondary is open-circuited. Additionally, correct installation ensures that the transformer operates within its specified parameters and provides reliable measurements.

MARSZ current transformers undergo rigorous testing and calibration to meet specified accuracy classes. The use of high-quality materials and precise manufacturing processes contributes to the overall accuracy of the product.

We are always ready to help you and answer your questions